If you are graduating from a CAD college, you will likely begin your job hunt very soon, which means you will also have to start preparing for job interviews. While a job interview serves as an opportunity for an employer to get to know you, interviewees should also take this time to ask a few questions about the job and the company. This will allow you to get a better idea of whether it is somewhere you would like to work, and if your skills are appropriate for the position. Read on for a quick guide to some of the questions you should be asking during your CAD technician job interview.
What Skills and Experience Does Your Ideal Candidate Have?
Asking this question will provide you with a better idea of what the company is looking for in a potential employee. The interviewer’s answer to this question will also provide you with the opportunity to discuss your relevant skills and experience. And of course, if the interviewer mentions something that you have not yet covered during your interview, you can make up for it at this point. For example, if the interviewer tells you that they are looking for a candidate who has a general understanding of technical mathematics, you might discuss some of the mathematics training you received from your CAD courses.
Will I Be Replacing Someone, or Is This a New Position?
This straightforward question is very important since it reveals a lot of information about the company you are applying to. It will tell you whether it is a brand new position, or if the person who previously held the position was promoted, fired or has retired. Understanding these details is crucial since you will be able to understand whether there is a chance for advancement or if the current employees are unhappy.
The answer to this question may also indicate what the workload is like. For example, the company may be working on several new projects that might require additional employees with CAD training. This would be an opportunity to ask what would happen to your position once the project is complete.
Will There Be Any CAD Training?
Anyone holding a CAD diploma knows that having more training and experience means that your skills will be worth more. For this reason, it is worth it to find out if the company you are applying for provides training. This question also shows the interviewer that you are interested in learning, expanding your knowledge and perhaps growing with your employer or the company.
What is the Next Step in the Process?
Asking this particular question proves to the interviewer that you are interested in moving forward with the process. Your potential employer, or the person conducting the interview, might share how many candidates are applying for the same position. And of course, this will give you a better idea of your chances for landing the job.
Where would you like to work once you have earned your CAD diploma?