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All of our students have their own stories about how their journey brought them to Digital School. For student Kristi Kreamer, Digital School offered her the chance to pursue a lifelong passion. As she says, “I have always been interested in the architectural field of study, even when very young.”

While she never gave up on that passion, she did put it on hold as she pursued other career opportunities. When she began raising a family, however, her childhood dream of working in the architectural field was rekindled. With Digital School’s BIM Technician Program, she saw a chance to transform that dream into reality.

Continue reading to discover Kristi’s inspiring story.

Kristi Saw BIM Technician Training as a Chance to Renew Her Passion for Architecture

Kristi originally worked as a mechanical piping technologist in the process piping field. That career was related to architecture in some ways, as it allowed her to do a lot of drafting work. However, it ultimately didn’t excite her as much as architecture did. “I liked the drafting aspect,” she says, “but not that particular field of study.”

Then, Kristi had children and decided to leave her career and start working from home. For some, leaving a job and raising a family would mean putting dreams of a future career on hold indefinitely. But for Kristi, her new life at home was an opportunity. As she says of that time, “through the years I was able to experience major home renovations, as well as general contracting house building.” The experience rekindled her childhood dream. She says it “renewed my architectural interest, so I started researching how to upgrade my skills and change my field of interest over to architecture.”

That’s when she took the decisive step of investing in her future by enrolling in building information modeling courses. “I came across the BIM Technician course with Digital School,” she says, “and decided to do it.”

Kristi Valued the Quality of the BIM Technician Training Offered by Digital School

Digital School’s building information modeling program was especially appealing because it was flexible while also giving Kristi the opportunity to build upon her previous career experience. “Digital School offered an online course in a short time-frame, which suited my lifestyle,” she says.

“Also, I liked how Digital School offered the ability to have training in many different software programs. For me, it upgraded and advanced my previous skills.” That point was especially important given the need, she says, “to keep up with the ever-changing AECO [architecture, engineering, construction, and owner-operated] fields.”

Gaining technical know-how was, therefore, at the top of Kristi’s list of priorities and Digital School didn’t disappoint. She says, “I feel that the BIM course is completely packed with valuable training that could help anyone establish a career in various fields of interest and grow from there.”

Kristi’s Digital School Experience Helped Prepare Her for a Brighter Future

Kristi found the courses valuable not only because of the technical knowledge they gave her, but for how they helped prepare her for her future in other ways. “I enjoyed the Technical Communication course because I liked the career investigation,” she says by way of example, “and the preparation of a resume and cover letter.”

She also points to the course Thought Patterns for a Successful Career as a highlight of her experience at Digital School. That course, she says, “really helps to investigate into oneself and build confidence in personal skills and abilities.”

Now that she has finished her BIM technician training, she wants to pursue a future career where she can unleash her creative passion. “My ultimate career goal,” she says, “is to design and draft luxury dream homes as a business owner.” The technical skills and sense of confidence she developed during her time at Digital School will serve her well in that ongoing journey.

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