Until recently, when people called an experience “immersive”, they were usually referring to a video game, movie, or book. It was a way to describe just how seemingly “real” that fictional world seemed to be—an effect typically achieved through a gripping story or beautiful set design. However, as virtual reality (VR) becomes increasingly popular, and more professionals begin to use VR software, “immersive” might soon take on a whole new meaning.
Soon, CAD technicians might be able to walk clients through true-to-scale virtual renderings of their architectural designs. They might be able to smoothly manipulate a 3D design for a new car part, for example. In fact, as CAD technicians continue to push new boundaries, they might even use virtual reality to design new tech beyond our wildest dreams.
Will these new “immersive designers” be the future of CAD design? If so, how close are we to that future? Read on to find out!
The Benefits of Using Virtual Reality During Your Future CAD Technician Career
While there’s been plenty of hype about how VR will impact video games, movies, and entertainment, this technology has plenty of other useful applications too—especially for grads of CAD training courses.
That’s because virtual reality offers a whole new potential for rendering designs. As you’ll soon learn in your CAD courses, rendering helps to create a lifelike representation of what your design will look like once it’s finished. In the past, rendering was the work of artists who drew up paintings or created small models. With VR technology just around the corner, you might soon be able to take the 3D designs you made at CAD college and walk through them as if they were really there.

VR could help CAD technicians manipulate designs using their hands instead of a mouse and keyboard.
VR technology might also offer another advantage to the CAD technicians of the future. For instance, it could help them manipulate and work on designs in 3D rather than through a standard mouse, keyboard, or touchscreen. As a result, it could be even faster and easier to manipulate designs, change the dimensions of a part, or simply look at your design from a new angle.
Virtual Reality Might Be Approaching Sooner Than You Think
With companies like Facebook, Sony, and Google all working on launching their own VR headsets within the next couple of years, it’s possible that VR technology might be coming to architectural and engineering firms sooner than we think.
In fact, at the Space X headquarters in Hawthorne, California, some top engineers are already using virtual reality to work on their 3D CAD designs.
As Space X CEO Elon Musk told VentureBeat about the use of virtual reality, “You can really apply your intuition and take something from your mind to a physical object with far greater ease than we currently do.”
Do you want to start your rewarding CAD technician career?
Find out how Digital School can help you get started!