After completing online Building Information Modeling (BIM) training, your journey towards a bright and successful future is on its way. It might be an intimidating experience to begin a job search—but it doesn’t have to be. With your education under your belt, creating a compelling and professional resume will help you land the job of your dreams.
There are several tactics that BIM technicians can use to build an impressive and comprehensive resume. Read on to find out how you can build a captivating resume that will revitalize your career.
Show Your Skills, Don’t Just List Them Off
It’s tempting to list positive characteristics in their own section of the resume and leave them to speak for themselves. But notes of being an independent worker or a team player can be found on any given resume, and they mean nothing if you don’t have the proof to back up your claims.
Assess your resume to see if the experience and projects you’re listing prove that you have the traits you’re claiming you do. If you say you’re a team player, is that represented in the experience you’ve listed? If you claim that you work efficiently with little guidance, is there a material history behind this? Try and explain these positive characteristics within your experience and work history using examples. With your positive traits clearly explained, you’ll be on the right path to becoming a BIM technician.
Perfect the Structure of the Resume
It can be tempting to get creative with the structure of your resume, but going beyond the established norms in eccentric ways can make you seem unprofessional. Keep your resume clear and concise so that it’s easy to read and straightforward. Limit its length to two pages and keep fonts and font sizes standard—papyrus or comic sans will not help you land the job.

Perfecting the structure of your resume will make it captivating, professional, and easy to read
Reflect on how it’s sensible to organize your resume. If you’ve taken on a lot of big projects, perhaps listing out the individual projects is sensible. If you’ve spent long periods of time working for specific firms, organizing your experience that way may be better. If you’ve had multiple different educational experiences, such as online BIM training, it’s sensible to emphasize that information in its own section.
Tailor Your Resume to Each Opportunity
Emphasizing different aspects of your history and professional values depending on the job description will enhance your ability to claim your dream job as a BIM technician. Why? Different employment opportunities will require different skill sets, and different firms will have different values. By adapting your resume to each job, you’ll be better able to show them exactly why you are a good fit for the job and company.
Highlight Your Unique Education, Such as Your Online BIM Training
If you’ve taken the time to complete qualifications, it’s important that these be emphasized in your resume. Having had the opportunity to learn BIM, a much sought-after skill, is something that employers will be looking for. Ensure that the unique set of educational experiences you’ve had is highlighted in your resume so that you can prove you have the knowledge to take on the job efficiently and professionally.
Do you want to gain the skills and knowledge to build a successful and bright future?