If you like problem solving and have a passion for design, you will find a career in design technology rewarding. Now, more than ever before, the designs of spaces and buildings are taking sustainability into account. Sustainable building construction is an industry projected to grow and traditional methods for design must be transformed into sustainable-focused processes in order to remain relevant. BIM is key to making this happen.
If you’re looking for a career where you can have a positive and transformative impact on the world, then sustainability through BIM is one way to go about it. Here are a few ways sustainability can be approached through technical design.
Invest in Efficiency
One thing that will give your career momentum is BIM training because it has the power to increase efficiency and sustainability. The concerns of sustainable design include energy efficient systems, environmental impact, the selection of materials and more. When you invest in sustainability you invest in the future.
BIM has the capability to perform simulations that allow teams to work on digital models and test construction sequences, among other things. This means that a project can be managed more efficiently and sustainably. The right quantity take-offs and number of construction personnel can be more accurately estimated early and clash detection can be done more effectively. This translates to a more efficient construction phase, less wasted materials and lower environmental impact.
Collaborative Decision-Making is Part of Technical Design College
The reason why so many people are able to excel in technical design college is because of the sense of belonging you get from team work. When approaching sustainable design, especially with BIM, collaborative decision making is integral.
With a 3D BIM model, all team members access the design and data in real time. There is room for several areas of expertise to address the concerns of all stakeholders. This makes sustainability more possible because consultations about the best solutions are part of the development process. For example, with some 3D BIM software the model can be reoriented in different directions to see how the building’s energy efficiency changes depending on how it faces the sun. Being able to discuss such scenarios can have a major impact on sustainability that would have been nearly impossible without BIM.

BIM allows a team to move through decisions more efficiently for a sustainable future
Future Operations
According to architect Karen Kensek, learning BIM is imperative for anyone entering a profession related to architecture and will play a major role in sustainability in the future. She points out that BIM-related software can help make predictions about a building’s energy and water consumption, emissions, and ventilation. If you are working towards a diploma in architectural design technologies, such a diploma will give you hands-on experience planning for this future.
The same way BIM models can be shared with design and construction teams, they can also be shared with building owners and managers. This process encourages long term thinking because of the way it records data and allows for analysis and prediction. This helps to establish sustainable maintenance plans that will keep the building running efficiently and thereby reducing its overall environmental impact. When you understand sustainable design as an efficiency practice, it’s easy to see how it benefits all stakeholders and provides new opportunities for creative designs.
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