Computer-aided design isn’t just for buildings, pipelines, and tools. Skilled professionals are making a big difference in complex industries, including medicine, using their skills to design important implements that save lives and improve comfort every day.
By becoming a trained expert in CAD applications, you could someday do this kind of work yourself, and contribute to the development of interesting projects at the cutting edge of medicine.
Curious about the kind of work that is being done in this space today? Here are some of the ways that CAD is changing medicine.
CAD Allows for Highly Tailored Approaches to Medical Procedures
Each human being is unique, which can be problematic in medicine. Generalized approaches to surgery are only really appropriate to the extent that the basics remain the same. After that, specific differences in size, weight, shape, and other important qualities will necessitate customization of a treatment to the individual being operated on.
CAD technology is making it easier than ever to tailor medical procedures to the specific needs of the individual. Through digital reconstruction of the area on which a patient is being operated, it’s possible to determine optimal approaches to operating before the knife ever touches skin. It’s the same principle students learn in building information modeling programs, of using a digital reconstruction of a future structure to plan outbuildings, just applied to health care.

Replacement bones and limbs are more easily achievable thanks to CAD technology
Graduates of CAD Training Courses Have Helped Design Replacement Bones
The precision that is possible through the use of CAD also allows for the design of replacement bones, known more correctly as “orthopedic implants.” Through modeling the replacement either on the patient’s existing bone, or the equivalent on the other side, it’s possible to create the basis for a customized and excellent replacement for a bone that is being removed.
For people who were in severe accidents or who lost limbs to disease, this advance in medical technology, made possible by CAD technology, has the potential to allow them to maintain a high quality of life. There is even functionality to do this kind of design work built right into specialized versions of AutoCAD, a software program that is a mainstay of CAD training courses.
Complete Computer Aided Drafting College and You Could Help Design Medical Machines
Medical machinery is often complex, with many individual components meshing together to achieve a particular function. Additionally, these machines must be designed and constructed very precisely, as poor design could lead to a failure of the functionality that the machines are meant to offer.

CAD technology has facilitated the creation of complex medical machinery
The principle advantages of CAD have made it a perfect solution for revolutionizing the design of medical machines like microarrayers, MRI machines, and more. A skilled professional can create models of medical machinery that meet the specific measurements and requirements outlined by specifications. By the time the product has moved through the modeling phase and on to be built, the result should be essentially the exact thing outlined in the initial specs. Complete CAD courses, and you too can become a master of the kind of precise digital modeling that is now building lifesaving medical machines.
Do you want to hone your skills at a top computer-aided drafting college?
Contact Digital School to learn more about our programs!