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In today’s digital age, architectural and engineering technicians have more technology to use than ever before. Instead of drawing a design with just a pencil and paper, they can create complex 3D models using software like AutoCAD. And instead of physically building a model of their design to help clients visualize it, they can quickly render their designs into beautiful lifelike concepts with the help of top programs.

With the rise of new technology like 3D printing, today’s professionals can even print out their 3D models to test out parts, examine details, and bring their creations to life.

Once you start your CAD program, you will learn that using a 3D printer isn’t as easy as clicking on the print button. In fact, new or inexperienced technicians often fall into a few bad habits, which can lead to strange mistakes and design flops during the printing process.

How can you learn to avoid falling into these habits yourself? With the help of a top CAD training program! Here’s a closer look at what you’ll learn during your studies, and how your training will help you avoid some common 3D printing mistakes.

3D CAD Teaches Students to Use the Right Materials for their Designs

During your 3D CAD training, you’ll learn about the different materials used in architectural and engineering projects. You’ll learn about the properties of each material, and how to account for its strength and durability.

Plastic is a popular choice for 3D printing.

Plastic is a popular choice for 3D printing.

Once you start working with 3D printed designs, you’ll be glad you took the time to receive quality training. This is because one major blunder in 3D printing is forgetting to consider which materials are being used for the project at hand. In fact, trained experts know that this can often lead to a disaster where 3D printed models are concerned. For example, if you opt for a soft material, you’ll need to make sure that your design will hold up properly during printing. Otherwise, you risk having thin edges cave in or seeing your design suffer from wear and tear at an accelerated rate.

Today’s 3D printers can create products with a variety of materials, including:

  • titanium
  • aluminum
  • plastic
  • ceramic
  • resin
  • wax

However, each of these materials has very different properties. Some are smooth, while others are rough and resistant. That’s why your in-depth knowledge of materials will help you adapt your design to the materials you want to use—or pick the best materials for the design you want to create.

3D CAD Training Courses Teach Students to Use Compatible Software

Forgetting to properly format files for 3D printing, or not using the proper software is another common error that inexperienced CAD technicians tend to make with 3D printing. They might create a beautiful design using software that is not compatible with a 3D printer. And since the 3D printer won’t be able to read the file properly, that beautiful design might be printed with strange glitches that leave it completely unusable.

With the right software and training, you can bring your visions to life.

With the right software and training, you can bring your visions to life.

That’s why knowing how to use the latest CAD software is important. At AutoCAD schools like Digital School, students learn how to use AutoCAD and other top programs, which they can use to create, render, and print their innovative and inspiring 3D designs.

Do you want to start your 3D CAD training courses?

 Find out how Digital School can help you bring your visions to life and launch a rewarding CAD career.