Today’s architectural technicians are highly trained technical professionals, able to take building concepts and transform them into models that can accurately convey what they would look like in real life. They are also creative problem solvers, able to overcome difficulties in the process of modeling a structure through clever application of their tools. Digital brick by digital brick, they are helping to revolutionize construction around the world.
Curious about how these professionals are making an impact? Here’s what you need to know.
Architectural Technicians Can Help Predict Problems Before They Arise
Construction is a tricky thing. It involves massive amounts of supplies and many different teams with different responsibilities and goals. Needless to say, the design process of yesteryear often had to contend with mistakes. Problems would occur in the design of a building, which sometimes wasn’t discovered until well after construction had begun. Construction is expensive, to begin with, but it gets a lot pricier when machines and workers need to stand around waiting for a design to be fixed up midway through physical construction.
Architectural technicians are the solution the industry has long waited for. In modeling the design of a building using sophisticated BIM software, they can quickly discover areas where a design doesn’t quite work. The process of redesigning and remodeling can, therefore, begin well before ground is ever broken, saving a huge amount of time and money.
Architectural Technicians Can Help Clients Understand How Their Building Will Feel & Behave
Those with architecture careers know that buildings are more than mere structures. They’re gathering places with their own sources of light and heat, and are also affected by the world outside. For building owners, understanding how a building will feel, and how the outside world will affect that feeling, is important. This will mean knowing things like how much natural light can be expected in a building, how well it is insulated from outside heat and cold, and how well its inbuilt systems can work to make the overall inside feeling more welcoming and comfortable.
Getting a true sense of these elements can be very difficult without the help of a digital model. Fortunately, the architectural technician of today can incorporate real-world information about the brightness of light sources, the insulating ability of a structure’s materials, and the average climate of a building’s environment in designs. BIM software programs like Revit allow for everything from light levels to expected energy costs to be predicted well in advance, providing valuable information to clients about the ongoing cost of their real estate investment.

Architecture technicians can help uncover potential design flaws before construction begins
Architectural Technicians Are Helping to Transport Stakeholders to the Future
BIM’s rise is coinciding with concurrent developments in the world of virtual reality, and the technologies are combining in new and exciting ways. Virtual reality, after all, is based on the idea that you can create a digital world and bring real people to explore it—why not do so for models of buildings?

Architecture technicians can play an important role in delivering virtual walk-throughts to clients
Students in architecture courses today could someday get to see their projects turned into virtual places to explore. Already, firms around the world have begun doing just this, taking their teams and clients for virtual walks inside future structures to admire the layout and systems of the soon-to-be-real building. It’s a great opportunity to show off what makes a project so special and is also an excellent opportunity for clients to weigh in on potential changes they might like to see. It’s a great opportunity for CAD technicians to bring a little slice of the future to the present day.
Do you want to contribute to the amazing work done by architectural technicians?
Contact Digital School to learn more about our architecture training program!