Architectural technicians and the teams they work with play an incredibly important role in building a better future, as they help to create the built environments that we live and work in every day.
An incredibly broad range of concerns needs to be addressed throughout this process regarding how any given structure—including its design, its materials, and its construction process—will impact both the people who will live or work inside of it, as well as the broader environment in which that structure exists.
By following your passion to become an architectural technician, you can play an essential role in the process of creating our built environment. Keep reading if you want to learn more about how architectural technicians are creating a brighter future.
Architectural Teams Can Make a Positive Impact on the Environment
The buildings and infrastructure that we create have a substantial impact on the environment, and a number of factors are involved in this relationship. The design of a building can influence how well it retains heat, for example, which can have a substantial impact on its energy efficiency. Likewise, structures which make better use of natural light can cut down on the energy costs associated with electric lighting. By designing buildings that make use of recycled or sustainable building materials, architectural design teams can also reduce the environmental impact of construction and maintenance. After completing your hands-on architectural design technology training, you’ll be able to play a critical role in this process, helping architectural design teams create a greener, more sustainable future for us all.
Use BIM to Create Greener Buildings as an Architectural Design Technician
One of the important approaches that you can use as an architectural technicianto improve the energy efficiency and environmental footprint of a building is BIM, or Building Information Modeling.
BIM is a process and philosophy that’s gained increasing traction in the worlds of architectural design, construction, and maintenance. It makes use of 3D structural models which combine information from a variety of sources to create a rich and highly flexible representation of the structure, which allows designers and technicians to easily create 2D and 3D representations, model how different changes in a design will impact a building over its lifecycle, and more.
One of the great advantages of BIM, for example, is that it can allow architectural teams to analyze how specific changes to a structure—with regards to its orientation, windows, building materials, and so on—will impact its future energy use throughout its lifecycle. This information can then be used to create greener, more energy-efficient buildings.

Architectural Technicians Can Improve Quality of Life
With the skills and knowledge that you gain in architectural design school, you’ll be able to help create buildings that are not only environmentally friendly, but also better able to support a high quality of life for their occupants.
This can be accomplished in a number of ways, including through the design of a building’s communal areas, which can actively encourage social interaction and a sense of community; through the natural lighting of a building, which can increase occupants’ sense of wellbeing; and through the choice of building materials used, which can have lasting impacts on occupants’ health and safety.
After investing in architectural design technician training, these are only a few of the ways that you’ll be able to help create a better, brighter, and more sustainable future for everyone.
Are you ready to invest in a brighter future as an architectural design technician?
Your career awaits.